HISH Programming and Calendar

An important aspect of our orientation is understanding the various types of events that make up our program. These events play a crucial role in shaping our community and fostering growth and development.

Please explore our programming calendar for a quick snapshot!


We encourage you to link your personal calendar to our Google Calendar!

Hish Program Google Calendar

Now let's dive into the types of events we offer

  • Stand Up Meeting-Mondays 6:00-6:30PM
    • Weekly short standup meetings are designed to build momentum week-over-week, allowing everyone to share updates and stay aligned on goals. These brief and focused meetings are an excellent way to start the week on the same page and ensure everyone is moving in the right direction.
  • Study Hall sessions- Wednesday 6:00-7:00PM +
    • These sessions provide dedicated time for deep work and focused learning, creating an environment conducive to productivity and personal growth. By immersing ourselves in these spaces, we can delve into challenging topics, develop new skills, and make significant strides towards our goals. It's a valuable opportunity to block out distractions and fully engage with the task at hand. The first hour is
  • 1-on-1 coaching sessions-Book via Calendly
    • These personalized coaching sessions offer individualized support and guidance, helping members overcome obstacles, set meaningful goals, and unlock their full potential.
  • Community Workshops & Events-Refer to Google Calendar
    • These events bring everyone together, fostering collaboration, creativity, and a sense of belonging. They provide opportunities to learn from each other, share insights, and strengthen our bonds as a community while driving toward the primary milestones for Hish Community members to complete.

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